Ep15tane. Hey guys, I finished running an OL Ep15tane/Tr3st cycle. Ep15tane

Hey guys, I finished running an OL Ep15tane/Tr3st cycleEp15tane  TR3N by OlympusUK 90ct

I'm interested in running a cycle and am looking for assistance to make sure I do it correctly. It's quite weird so I canceled it. am 39, been lifting a long time, height 182 cm (5. EP15TANE 30/45/45/45/45/45 Trendione at 60-90mg/day With a little bit of hexadrone Well that'd be a good cycle - even though I'm sure that you'd enjoy even Epi solo. . . Awards 2. S. FURAZA-300 by Olympus. Location: Ephrata, Pennsylvania, United States. Dec 16, 2014. 04-14-2015, 11:21 AM #7. Life is nothing but big macs and hoes. Epistane may be listed as 2a,3a-epithio17a methyl-17b-hydroxy-5a-androstane and 2a,3a-epithio. With help from user g0hardorgohom ive got my cycle to: - EP15TANE 30/45/45/45/45/45 (6 weeks in. . I am interested in adding mass while cutting. I was looking into AR1MACARE pro as the cycle assist. I was going to go with Epi-Strong but Olympus comes with 30 more pills at the same dosing, and I would be getting a deal and a half on it. . I was taking On Cycle support and immediately began PCT day 14What’s interesting to note, however, is that one of the reviews on the LifeForce T-Boost page actually says that he experienced a surge in testosterone levels. But if you decide to run it for 4 weeks only, this is what I'd do:EP15TANE 45/45/45/45 (or maybe 60 if you can handle it that high)TR3N 90/90/90/120However, 6 weeks would be much better IMO. 5. Given it is a DHT derivative, it excels at increasing strength and creating very noticeable changes to a user’s physique. Hey guys, finally decided to try a ph cycle because I want to try it and see what kind of gains I can get from it, Cycle- Tr3n Olympus labs 90 mg a day Epistane- Olympus labs 3 caps a day not sure of dosage amount, both of these are gonna be for 3-4 weeks On cycle support-ar1macare pro 4 a. If you prefer more TUDCA (I have read up to 1250 mg sees increased liver benefits) I throw in another cap pre workout. 90. . Olyimpus labs w/pics: Cycle Logs: 18: Apr 28, 2014: Similar threads. This one comes second to Super-Epi Elite as one of the best prohormone product in the market. All you need to know right now that its 22g per serving of greatness. €34. My main goal is to avoid as much as I can the side effects and still gaining some decent weight. Just. . The compound (Epistane), found in Ep15tane is very anabolic, and great for producing muscle growth in the form of lean. I have Olympus Labs EP15TANE (yes, real epistane not Epiandro). . 6 caps is 30mg of methylstenbolone and 24mg of dimethandrostenol. I'm currently pre-loading milk thistle and hawthorn berries, coming up on 2 weeks. Fuller and Harder Muscles. I've been off a couple of days, I guess adjusting to the new dose, but I'm quite allright now. . Posts: 24,588. Been running Ep15tane at 30mg/day for a week entering 2nd week now and I was going to take 45mg/day. I tried going to naps-gear and onemedstore and when I go to checkout my cart, it require payment via bank credit. com EP15TANE+AR1MACARE PRO for 1-4 week , then SUP3R PCT + Nolva 4-8 week + maybe DAA/other test booster. I've wasted lots of money and time, and. I am 29. Should just get a new one but trying to save my upgrade for when the iPhone 6 comes outAm about to start my winter bulk (lean bulk) cycle. Superdrol was alot better for gaining but alot more harsh. Ep15tane and DermaTREN by Olympus Labs epi-30/45/45/45/45/45 (done) tren- 90ml for 60 days All essential on cycle supps and inhibit p Done with the epi but this tren is insanely suppressive. These are the items needed to dominate your cutting season. lanky, I think the problem is partially coming from a stronger methyl which is compared to Winny, and going tdown to a non methyl product that also resembles winny but not as strong is not going to give you the increased feel of being ON over what you already. TRENSCEND with TR3N, If you are looking for extreme hardness, strength, and muscle gains sprinkled with the reduction of overall bodyfat– look no. . Lots of good stuff going on in here guys! Going to go check on some of these logs. I've done a lot of research and decided to go with a stack of Olympus Labs' Ep15tane and Tr3n. . Olympus Lab Ep15tane is a prohormone used to enhance your cutting cycle. reps4jesusStack is EP15TANE & TR3N. I saw decent results while cutting but was eating as a major caloric deficit. I ran 2 8 week cycles of Ep15tane by Olympus last year and saw dramatic growth both times. Done the PES (ABE + EPRO), previously, but going to give this a run. ForumsSearch titles only. Serious Nutrition Solutions Representative. The goal is low sides, feel good Recomp with dry gains & carb cycling throughout. EP15TANE by Olympus labs was formulated as being a catalyst to increasing lean size, hardening muscles, and attaining strength that comparable of a demigods. I have liquid nolva on hand but don't think I should use that straight away. It’s a prohormone which means it increases testosterone levels in your body. Was initially going to stack it with trenazone but have very mild gyno and didn't want to deal with that and the additional sides Cycle: Ep15tane: 30/45/45/45/45/45 Ar1micare pro Taurine at suggested daily dose glucosamine, multi, and fish oil PCT: Nolva: 20/20/10/10 Super PCT: immediately. ForumsI have some pills left of estane (15mg per pill) My plan was to order some more and run 30mg a day for 5 weeks. 5 to 20mg per day. Centurion Labz Rage XXX. Starting my Ep15tane cycle shortly. You won’t see gains and strength immediately but will kick in like hell in a few weeks. Welcome! I am currently on my 4th day of the cycle already and wasn't sure about doing a log. Olympus Labs EP15TANE. I know my way around the kitchen and the gym no problem. I don't have any experience so I figured I would reach out for any advice yall are. Have used Test E, Var, Old School Prohormones both oral and transdermal from way back in 98-99, and most recently Ive used 1-Andro and 11-Keto w/ formestane. Hi guys, I am running ep15tane from OL. ForumsHey guys I'm new to this site and have been doing tons of research lately. Can't find ep15tane or halo-100 in the U. Another. Again I'm looking to shred more fat, and increase strength and want to stick with OL. A comprehensive guide about best seller prohormone cycle - bulking prohormones, cutting prohormones, cutting Stacks. Hello Everyone, I had been asking here and there and want to try TR3N by olympus labs. First I am 21 years old, 6 ft, 210 lbs, about 14% BF - Been lifting seriously for over 3 or 4 years I am an easy gainer and. I train 3x a week intense full body with weights squats then bench then rows or stiff leg deads and then isolation excercises. History- Have done many cycles of msten, clostebol, and epi. . I am 23 years old, 5'10', 180lbs. Sept. joint pain. increased sweating. What are your guys' thoughts on this? Any and all advice/. 15mg per tablet. Did a clean and successful epi run 5 months ago. . Started by jamthemace2;Gonna be doing my first epistane cycle next month after I finish an 8 week run of Ep1c unleashed which im in my third of (loving it so far). . Hey all, 4 year lifter returning from a 1 year hiatus. Forums. . Home. On Cycle: EP15TANE by Olympus Labs 30/30/30/45 AR1MACARE PRO (on cycle therapy/liver support) Fish Oil Multi Post Cycle: SUP3R PCT Tamox Citrate 20/20/10/10 (should i use a natty test booster even with the tamox?) this will be my first prohormone cycle. not sure if this is the real deal?. Home. Guess I looking for some opinions on a tren attack and epi cycle. 1st time ive logged something before, so im open to suggestions. Rep Power: 283660. Anyone able to help? Cycle setup is below. I was wondering what the best PCT supplements would be to buy and what to take on cycle? Was going to do a 6wk cycle my the Mg are 15mg for EPI and 30mg for Tr3n Was also wondering how to dose? EPI 30/30/30/45/45/45 Tr3n 60/60/60/90/90/90. Over some time, and with a chunk of added muscle after a couple. I tried going to naps-gear and onemedstore and when I go to checkout my cart, it require payment via bank credit. So I'm starting my first PH bulking cycle. Started with one pill this morning each being 15 mgs will take aanother later on today for a total of 30 mgs. . . My plans was/is a 6 week epi/tr3st cycle. Olympus Labs EP15TANE is an anabolic and androgenic chemical containing 2a,3a-epithio17a methyl-17b-hydroxy-5a-androstane, a form of Epistane, Havoc or Methylepitiostanol which is a methyl variation of 5α-dihydrotestosterone. . . . 6'1" 190 lbs ~14% bodyfat Goal is to cut bodyfat percentage while gaining lean mass. . Having said that, I will write down and will be updating this post if/when i add supplements during my cycle. I am now thinking about a Trestobol/Epi run for 6 weeks THEN doing S4/Clen. basically 6 weeks at 60mg. I've done a lot of research and decided to go with a stack of Olympus Labs' Ep15tane and Tr3n. Directed By: Mark Rydell. €46. 5mg each I'm really trying to recomp/cut and I need help with my dosing scheme. The first time I used Dermacrine as a base--I had great results on a cut. 4. I also have to run 2-3 miles and then train for Muay Thai (kickboxing) 2x a week at the. . Below is what the current plan is: On Cylce: Ep15tane @ 30/30/30/30/45/45 (or i may just do 6 weeks @ 30) Test base: Undecided, anyone have a good recommendation. So far i have bought 1 Olympus Labs Ep15tane, 1 Olympus Labs Sup3r PCT, 1 Liquid Tamoxifen, 1Bronson. I had some old run havoc around. Among it’s benefits: You’ll quickly increase strength You’ll see fuller and harder muscles. . Epi starts to really shine towards week 3-4 so running 6 weeks would be ideal. I never lifted in High. I ran: EP15TANE - 30/45/45/45/45/45 EP1C AR1MACARE PRO with some other ancillaries. . Goal: gain lean mass as much as possible with a bulk diet. I am considering EP15TANE Perfect. Androvar from strongsupplementsshop 4. The majority of the other ingredients appear to be fillers to me. ProHormone List on details: Olympus Labs TR3N - Dosages: 60/90/90/90/120/120. You will not need an anti-aromatase while on cycle with Epistane. Home. It has a strong androgenic effect,. Home. Going to knock it up to 45mg tomorrow. increased sweating. Ep15tane is anti-estrogenic and produces very dry gains. Much of this stack has. The goal is low sides, feel good Recomp with dry gains & carb cycling throughout. I usually find LGI to be a solid product but I thought I would ask to see if there is a better choice out there. 24 . The demands of these Saba age. . . With the. I'm about to buy my first epistane stack and wanted to know if this looks good to you guys. Excellent feedback control with a true and warm acoustic tone. Bump Age of Mythology, great game!I guarantee you can make gains on your conv pull as low as 405 if the volume is there. Which one will work the best for a beginner? What PCT should I take? Is there anything else I. . Don't trust most companies tho. My journey with sports started with just a simple horizontal bar and eventually became a passion for street workout. Epistane should cause an increase in strength, libido, and a well-being. Anyways. Dec 16, 2014. List of our Prohormones Profiles. I started researching after I bought TR3N and. Sorry I don't have more time to devote to a full log; this will have to do at the moment. 90. Save the mk for when you bulk just my opinion. Shows anabolic-androgenic action, Aimed at initiating anabolism, Limited androgenic effect, Supports the growth of muscle tissue, Reduces the amount of fat, Supports the development of dry hard muscle mass. Hello guys! I have been reading a lot these days and I am planning on doing my first PH cycle. Hey folks, this is my first time posting here and I had some questions about my second cycle. I narrowed the cycle down to 7 weeks doing 1cc of test and 1cc ot tren the 1st week and the next 6 weeks im taking 1. . P. Olympus Labs EP15TANE. But just got a hold of some tr3n, and wonder what would be the better choice here. . This one comes second to Super-Epi Elite as one of the best prohormone product in the market. . . €47. 95. By: Search Advanced search…I'm 6 feet 200 lbs. Hi, I'm 47 and Italian (sorry for my bad english) and my intention is to run a Epi/Tren/Epiandro cycle. I am running NAC, milk thistle, MSM/glucosamine,fish oil, zma, saw palmetto throughout the entire cycle. . For my upcoming cycle I will use ep15tane along side Ghar1ne. THIS IS A COMMON MISTAKE! youre NOT supposed to take orals with food BECAUSE theyre fat soluble. I have a lot of friends who love their stuff as well, so I would definitely say legit. . . Hey Guys, 45 years old. Dosage- 20/30/30/40 Liver Support- ProteX Joint Repair- Forged PCT- Post Cycle 3X I would rather get bashed then mess something up. I'm curious to see if the bottle has an expiration date on it and/or a manufactured date. Hey guys I'm having some issues figuring out a pct for a tr3st, tr3n, and ep15tane stack. My first run on epi was great. I just finished a cycle of epistane and planning out my next one too start late October/early November. . Read a lot about Epistane being a good beginner PH, but like the idea of Max LMG being non-methylated. For the Bodybuilder and trained Athlete, Epistane works as a Anabolic agent that delivers dry, lean muscle gains, and works great for cutting as well. Buy Olympus Labs Ep15tane Anabolic Prohormone for Muslce Gains from Predator Nutrition. 5mg EOD Weeks 13-14: Nothing Weeks 15-18: Nolva (40/40/20/20) Weeks 15-18: DAA Pure, Erase, Intimidate SRT I was originally. feeling tired. Menu. last summer I did my first epistane solo cycle and had incredible gains. What drivers may not realize is the. Made in a state of the art GMP facility, their. Please feel free to suggest any changes/ additions to this cycle. MY STATS 5'7" 165lbs 15% bf OL PH Products On Hand DermaTrest - 2. What is the best option? Olympus UK EP15TANE vs RPN Havoc. I strongly believe that our body has limitless potential and can be nurtured through rigorous training, consuming healthy food, and striving to make each day a. . First things first i'm 29 5'11 240. I want to get down to 215 with some body recomp. TR3N by Olympus UK. I got some blood work done and everything is great. info about me: I am 21years old 6 foot tall and weigh around 210-215 lbs in the morning high teens bf% Been lifting since i was 16 Ive bench pressed 250 and squatted 365 ass to grass naturally so i have a base this will be my 2nd cycle i ran 6 weeks of epi at 40-50mg no PCT(yes stupid but I. Around week 4 of the epi (3 weeks ago) I added. Epistane is an orally active designer steroid commonly used to increase physical performance. Epistane is an orally active designer steroid commonly used to increase physical performance. I’m counting on Olympus Lab’s Epi, together with TR3ST, to be superior to that. Home. Showing 16/24 results. . . News. The question is which have you used or would recommend. Vital labs Post cycle 3x from strongsupplementsshop 5. Congrats to the winners, OL is all inclusive, some companies won't give samples to int. . I was thinking of running a cycle now and then again during the summer. CYCLE Epistane 30/45/45/45/45/45 Tr3st 50/50/75/75/100/100 TD. No sides to report to date. Olympus labs Ep15tane from jw supplements 2. 162 goal to put on at least 5lbs solid mass will start 6 weeks cycle next monday epi 30/45/45/45/45/45 Lgi damage control 6/6/6/6/6/6 livercare 2 caps ED fish oil 6000 ED orange triad first week 4 and then 6 taurine 3g if needed PCT tamoxifen citrate 20/20/10/10 sup3r. Nutrition -I will be folowing the Lean Gains Protocol. Some feed back on which you guys have liked more would be nice as I am looking to do it for a 6 week cycle. The only thing I can't figure out is a good pct to follow up with. Add to bag. Created by potrace 1. Olympus Labs is a supplement company committed to quality products and customer service. 20th - first day - 184. 20. Should be in the mailbox next week. . After much reading, EPI seems to be a solid, potent. I got. Alright guys, Some of you may know, I finished running a 6 week tr3st/ep15tane cycle with great results. Stats. The problem is that the. Almost every day someone asks how to stack PH's. . So I am totally new to the PH world and I will be running my first Epistane cycle. . Seems alike other than that but one thing can make a huge difference. This is my 6 weeks plan 1,90cm, 91kg, 4 workouts a week. Blackstone Dust V2. Olympus Labs Epistane has 15mg x 120 caps (i think 1 bottle is ok for 6 weeks at 30/45/45/45/45/45) RPN Havoc has 10mg x 90 (i think 2 bottles needed for 4 weeks at 20/30/40/50) It’s recommended that if you’re in a cutting cycle, you stack Olympus Labs Tr3n with Olympus Labs Ep15tane, and if you’re in a bulking phase, stack it with Olympus Labs Stenabol. 20 pounds in 6 weeks. Op-epi is particularly brutal on you joints. Exemestane (Aromasin) is a third-generation aromatase inhibitor used to treat hormone responsive breast cancers in women who are postmenopausal - have gone. What's up all. Supplement Forum Supplement Logs Company Promos Supplement Deals Supplement Companies Nutrition Forum Weight Loss Forum Training Forum Pro Bodybuilding Forum Natural Bodybuidling Anabolic Forum Anti-Aging Forum. I workout every day for roughly 2 hours give or take and have been for about four years now. there are people who have ordered in january that have not received their order yet. In May ill be doing a recomp. . I did a lot of research before my first cycle and so far it has been going good. . Find the greatest muscle building supplements available here in the UK. Green's CLIMB to the TOP of OLYMPUS (DermaTREN/EP15TANE) Cycle Logs: 8: Jul 2, 2014: Green's NEED TO BUILD MUSCLE continues with RS-TRANSADERM: Supplement Logs: 276: Sep 27, 2011: Green's "BOMB before the STORM" There's a War on the Horizon: Supplement Logs: 236: Aug 30, 2011: X-Dreams: The Force of Green's epic. anyone ? I am looking for a bridge for 4 weeks in august. Anyways, I am currently in a caloric deficit so obviously my. Btw I'm 29 and 180 and been training for 2 but I am looking. Ok. nausea. Will gauge how I'm feeling and may add in depending on the feel. started my clomid and daa and creatine today and erase pro is going to kick in 3 weeks time, feel. Q and A for Olympus labs Furaza-300 FURAZA-300 FURAZA-300 by Olympus Labs 120ct This is the purest, strongest, most potent, largest quantity Furazan Available. 1 review. My plans was/is a 6 week epi/tr3st cycle. I also have to run 2-3 miles and then train for Muay Thai (kickboxing) 2x a week at the minimum. I will be starting the cycle on either Sunday or Monday. who are known for their quality. Was it a good run? coltonwalker Active member. I stopped on day 13, it took nearly 2 weeks for everything to get back to normal. . I feel like I have kept what small gains I got. News. MY STATS 5'7" 165lbs 15% bf OL PH Products On Hand DermaTrest - 2. Should just get a new one but trying to save my upgrade for when the iPhone 6 comes out Am about to start my winter bulk (lean bulk) cycle. Should. Feb 10, 2015 #1. . The layout looked like this: Ep15tane: 30/45/45/45/45/45 Tr3st: 50/75/75/75/75/75 Ar1macarePro: 4 ed CEL Cycle Assist: 6 ed Taurine: 3-5gs ed I finished the cycle and Packed on about 17lbs. . I'd stay away from it, 410mg doesn't sound right. Gained maybe 3 lb's so far? Hard to tell but I know I should be expecting some real gains within the next couple of weeks. Let's make this informative and enjoyable. On Cycle I am taking Fish Oil Ep15tane 30/45/45/45/45/45 Joint Support Blockade On Cycle Defense Bronson Vitamins Milk Thistle (125. It will be my second prohormone cycle. I personally have never used anything in their line but I will eventually. Supplement Forum Supplement Logs Company Promos Supplement Deals Supplement Companies Nutrition Forum Weight Loss Forum Training Forum Pro Bodybuilding Forum Natural Bodybuidling Anabolic. . #1. Waiting on that halo to drop lolI ran my first Ep15tane cycle and on day 13 began to urinate fire. Let me introduce myself briefly. I wish I had enough time to devote to keeping a full log as some of the guys on here, but my days are slammed so a brief overview will have to suffice. Air Date: Dec 31, 1966. . Home. Stats: 33 years old 6'0 186 lbs roughly 15% bf I am going for a lean bulk, expectations are to keep my BF roughly the same and put on and KEEP. Stats: 33 years old 6'0 186 lbs roughly 15% bf I am going for a lean bulk, expectations are to keep my BF roughly the same and. 5 cc of test and 1. EP15TANE does what it’s supposed to do, that is cut down on excess body fat and at the same time boost protein synthesis to increase muscle mass. Awards 0. Little about me Age:30 Weight:160 5'9" Lifting off. . 2. Olympus Labs Ep15tane is a highly anabolic prohormone renowned for. . Rep Power: 283660. And no pct, one week, you’re fine. . Increase of Lean and Dry Mass. . €39. The muscle that you gain while you’re using Epistane will actually be muscle. packed on about 10lbs from start to finish. Today is the first day of my PCT. Monday will be the finish of 20mg nolva and on to 10mg. Olympus Labs Ep15tane is a DHT derivative and a highly anabolic prohormone renowned for producing muscle growth in the form of dry lean mass gains. Forums. I will have been running it at 30mg for a week tomorrow. By: Search Advanced search…I am looking to purchase some Epi and I was wondering which is a solid, reputable brand to buy these days. I'm getting ready to start a six week PH stack consisting of the TR3N & EP15TANE compounds, and I'm hoping to get some feedback from the local community on what I've put together so far to start, as well as feedback throughout my six week cycle and six week post cycle. $54.